• Soil stabilisation

    Unstable soil can be defined as soil that will not stay in place on its own, and therefore requires extra support. It should be noted that unstable soil can threaten the stability, security, and safety of infrastructure and can damage, degrade, and even destroy a number of struc-tures, such as buildings, bridges, and roads.

    There are a variety of factors that can cause unstable soil including erosion, poor compaction, freeze/thaw cycles and soil decomposition.

    With AP SOIL ultra-low viscosity polyurethane resins voids can be filled, soil consolidated, and water migration halted by permeating the soil. A special version was developed for soil stabilisation with water permeability.

    For larger voids around or under constructions the expansive SPETEC® STOP PU-foams are a more economic solution. Once the bearing capacity of the soil has been increased with this process, then the structure can be lifted if necessary.