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    Solutions | Resin flooring systems


    Resin-bonded floor solutions for indoor and outdoor use are applicable in various environments (industrial, kitchens, residential, public, etc.).

    Resiplast NV has a very diverse range of resin-bound floor coverings for both indoor and outdoor use. These floors differ according to the resin type/chemistry (epoxy, PU, PMMA/PUMA, PU cement) and the related properties.

    Each resin type has specific advantages related to the properties of its chemical base. A preference can therefore come from different expectations/requirements:

    • functional requirements (chemical or mechanical resistance)
    • the application : indoor/outdoor
    • speed of curing and application
    • aesthetics and design freedom
    • conductive properties
    • etc...

    In general, epoxy is most often used in an indoor application for less aesthetic purposes : industrial/functional use and this because of its good mechanical and chemical resistance, impact strength.

    They are often used in industry, car parks, technical parts etc... both in wet or dry areas.

    The water-based epoxy solutions have, among other things, vapour permeable properties and are easy to renovate because of their low emissions (volatile organic compounds VOCs) and less chance of odour nuisance.

    PU cast floors are more commonly used for public spaces, light/moderate industrial spaces, aesthetic solutions, etc.

    PMMA floors can be used both indoors and outdoors, even at temperatures below freezing. These products have faster curing and application due to a very specific hardener (from 30 min, 1h etc... depending on hardener addition, product, ambient and substrate temperature). With this great advantage, they are very often used for renovations to minimise out-of-service time (e.g. industry, car parks, freezers, etc.).

    See here how to apply easily a resin based floor system.
